Pre-extension House

Pre-extension House

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Week 12 - Roof construction starts

The roof construction has been slightly delayed as the architect had calculated the angle wrong so it was suppose to be to a point but we now have a flat area in the middle. It is a bit more costly and time consuming but on the up side we will have more head height in both rooms.

This is a picture froom the other side, you can't really appreciate the size of it but the top square is 5.2m x 2m.

Week 11 - 2nd floor joists go in

The 2nd floor joists have gone in which is great because you can really see it coming together. this will be the floor for the third level which will be 2 offices and bathroom.

They have taken off the tiles on the roof facing the new part of the house. You can also see the extra scaffolding up to roof level. Quite exciting but progress feels quite slow at the moment.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Week10 - Brick work is completed

You can see the front of the house really starting to take shape now, they need to put in the support for the bay window at the top and teh smaller window to the right will be the walk in wardrobe which is looking larger by the minute.

This photo shows the back of the house which will be our bedroom bay window and some of the suporting internal walls are also going up. the internal doorway on the left will be the door for the walkin wardrobe and the gap on the right of the internal wall is going to be the landing. they will knock through exactly where the tsained glass window is and this will be where the stairs go to the third storey.

Week 9 - work on the second story begins

We had to put in this extra goal post style steel work for the wind sheer as we are increasing the volume of the house significantly, the building inspector insisted we add the extra steel (complete over kill)

The 1st floor joists are secured and the brick work starts after they have raised the scaffolding. this view is at the back of the house and will be our bedroom bay window.